conaito PPT2Flash SDK 3.7

PPApplication Members

PPApplication overview

Public Static (Shared) Fields


Public Instance Constructors

PPApplication Constructor Initializes a new instance of the PPApplication class.

Public Instance Fields


Public Instance Properties

_ppPres By Majid Get or set Presentation
AdvanceTime Advance time
AS3 Experimental!!! Generate SWF as AS3(VM2)
AS3stop Experimental!!! Use AS3 Stop with VM2
AutoSlideChange Gets or sets a value indicating whether need auto slide change if no auto advance time in powerpoint.
BackgroundTransparent Gets or sets a value indicating whether convert Background Transparent included in ppt file.
ConvertAudio Gets or sets a value indicating whether convert audio included in ppt file.
ConvertSlideTransitions Convert slide transitions
ConvertVideo Gets or sets a value indicating whether convert video included in ppt file.
CustomVideoConvArgs Custom arguments for Video.exe. Example: -acodec mp3 -i [inputFile] -ar 44100 -ab 128 -f flv -s [width]x[height] [outputFile] [inputFile], [width], [height], [outputFile] - system values, not to edit (SDK puts the real values)
EnableDebugger Enable Debugger to SWF file
ExportImageFormat Gets or sets the export image format from ppt file.
ExportImageMode Gets or sets the export image mode from ppt file.
FrameRate Gets or sets the frame rate.
FullLicenseDate Date of license finish
GenerateHthmlWithAdvancedFlashAPI Gets or sets a value indicating whether to generate html with advanced flash api ( gotoSlide, gotoAnimation, etc. )
HightQuality Gets or sets a value indicating export Image quality.
IsLicenseValide Gets a value indicating whether this license is valid.
IsStartOnClick Gets or sets a value indicating if need stop before Clicked effects.
LicenseMode License Mode
Loop Enables or disables loop play for single swf output
LoopAutoSlideChange Gets or sets a value indicating whether loop show if auto slide change is true.
NavigationPanel Gets or sets navigation panel visibility
NavigationPanelAlignment Navigation panel alignment
NavigationPanelOffset Navigation panel offset
RenderEffects Gets or sets a value indicating whether if need render effects.
ReviewCheck Gets or sets a value indicating whether save all text from ppt file into xml file.
SaveText Gets or sets a value indicating whether save all text from ppt file into xml file.
ScaleX Scale X
ScaleY Scale Y
SlideHeight Height of slide
SlideonProssess Current Slide on Prossess
SlidesCount Gets the slides count.
SlideWidth Width of slide
SmoothImage Gets or sets a value indicating whether smooth image exported from powerpoint.
ThumbsFormat Gets or sets the thumbs picture format.
ThumbsHeight Gets or sets the height of the thumbs.
ThumbsWidth Gets or sets the width of the thumbs.
WaitBeforeAutoSlideChange Gets or sets the time to wait before auto slide change (if there is some animation then max(DurationOfAnimation, WaitBeforeAutoSlideChange) is used).
XmlData Gets the XML data string.

Public Instance Methods

ConvertPPT2SWFOverloaded. Convert PPT to SWF. Each power point slide is converted to separate swf file.
ConvertPPT2SWFFileOverloaded. Convert PPT to SWF File
ConvertPPT2SWFWithoutStandaloneMasterSwf Convert PPT to SWF Format. No standalone swf file is generated.
ConvertSWF2Exe Converting SWF to EXE. FlashPlayer.exe must be contains in assembly directory
CopyPlayerDataToFolder Copies the player data to folder. From Executing folder.
CopyPlayerFromToFolder Copies the player data to folder. From other folder.
EndSession Close Powerpoint Session
Equals (inherited from Object) 
GetHashCode (inherited from Object) 
GetType (inherited from Object) 
IsLicenseValid Is license valid (LicenseMode == FULL or TRIAL)
Load Loads power point file into memory. It allows to get power point info before actul converting.
LoadFromFile Load data from Powerpoint file.
PublishToFTP Piblish SWF File to FTP
RenderThumbsToFolderOverloaded. Renders the thumbnails to folder.
RenderToFile Render slides to SWF file
RenderToFolder Render all Scenes to Folder.
RenderToFolderSeparately Render some slides to folder
SetLicense Set license name and key
StopRender Stop render process
ToString (inherited from Object) 

Public Instance Events

ShapeProcessed ShapeProcessed is fired when SDK is reading the shape information from the slides within the PowerPoint.
ShapeRender ShapeRender is fired when SDK is compleate render the shape information from the slides within the PowerPoint.
SlideProcessed SlideProcessed is fired when SDK is reading the information from the slides within the PowerPoint.
SlideRender SlideRender is fired when SDK is compleate render the information from the slides within the PowerPoint.
ThumbsRender ThumbsRender is fired when SDK is compleate render the thumb

Protected Instance Methods

Finalize (inherited from Object) 
MemberwiseClone (inherited from Object) 

See Also

PPApplication Class | Conaito.PPLibrary Namespace