conaito PPT2Flash SDK 3.7

FtpClient Members

FtpClient overview

Public Instance Constructors

FtpClient Overloaded. Initializes a new instance of the FtpClient class.

Public Instance Properties

BinaryMode If the value of mode is true, set binary mode for downloads, else, Ascii mode.
Password Gets and Set the password.
Port Remote server port. Typically TCP 21
RemotePath GetS and Sets the remote directory.
RemotePort Gets and Sets the port number.
Server Gets and Sets the name of the FTP server.
Timeout Timeout waiting for a response from server, in seconds.
Username Gets and Sets the username.
VerboseDebugging Display all communications to the debug log

Public Instance Methods

ChangeDir Change the current working directory on the remote FTP server.
Close Close the FTP connection.
DeleteFile Delete a file from the remote FTP server.
DownloadOverloaded. Download a file to the Assembly's local directory, keeping the same file name.
Equals (inherited from Object) 
GetFileListOverloaded. Return a string array containing the remote directory's file list.
GetFileSize Return the size of a file.
GetHashCode (inherited from Object) 
GetType (inherited from Object) 
Login Login to the remote server.
MakeDir Create a directory on the remote FTP server.
RemoveDir Delete a directory on the remote FTP server.
RenameFile Rename a file on the remote FTP server.
ToString (inherited from Object) 
UploadOverloaded. Upload a file.
UploadDirectoryOverloaded. Upload a directory and its file contents

Protected Instance Methods

Finalize Destuctor
MemberwiseClone (inherited from Object) 

See Also

FtpClient Class | Conaito.PPLibrary Namespace