Blind transfer vs. consultative transfer   print

I have 2 doubts, both concernig call transfer:

1) if I try to transfer a call to a destination and this destination DOES NOT ANSWER, how do I retrieve this call back so that I can try to transfer it to another destination?
2) if I try to transfer a call to a destination and this destination is BUSYl, how do I retrieve this call back so that I can try to transfer it to another destination?

Its not possible to catch this (Does not answer or busy) if you are using “blind transfer” (transfer with using "Remote URI"). For a “consultative transfer” (may you looking for) both destinations must be connected with the SIP Client. Connect the both destinations and make a “consultative transfer” (between phone lines). You can test it easy by using the LiveDemo. Connect to 2 clients (using 2 phone lines), make sure that "Remote URI" field is empty and click "transfer" button (opens new window with phone lines for transfer selection).